Sunday, April 25, 2010

Imagine No More Malaria

Every 30 seconds a child dies from Malaria. Malaria kills almost one million people each year - and almost a billion people are affected around the world.  Those stats alone are horrific - but especially when realizing malaria is PREVENTABLE!  Frankly it pisses me off and makes me so incredibly sad. While living in Zambia, I can't even count the number of families I visited that said malaria was their biggest health problem.  I was lucky - I not only had access to anti-malarial medication, but I also knew to sleep under a bednet.  So I was doubly protected.  Others were not.  And most people had friends or family who had died.  Its a tragic story - but one that can be changed. 

Spread by the bite of affected mosquitos that bite only at night, sleeping under an insecticide-treated bednet can reduce the number of deaths dramatically.  Many people living in poverty in Africa and Asia aren't informed about this prevention or can't even afford the $10 to purchase a bednet for each family member.

Today is World Malaria Day - a day set aside each year to educate others about this global issue and advocate for people to help us end this preventable disease.  By donating $10 - less then we all spend going out to eat every week, a life can be saved.  As little as $10 buys a bednet for one person.  I'm so inspired by so many people who are fighting to end this terrible disease.  Like the United Methodist Church (which I am a member of).  The church my dad pastors, Bel Air United Methodist CHurch, and thousands others are uniting to raise $75 million dollars in their "Imagine no more Malaria" initiative.
This is the program I'll be supporting - but there are so many out there making a difference in the lives of families in Africa and Asia. There are many to choose from!

This is something that is so close to my heart.  I've seen lives lost, and it breaks my heart.  Please think about donating as little as $10. 


Unknown said...

Great post! I checked out the website and tried to donate but it kept saying my billing address didnt match (which isnt true).. so I'll have to try again later!

Unknown said...

Thanks for helping to get the word out about malaria, Sarah. Malaria is 100% preventable and this is a fight we can (and will) win?